Sunday Afternoon May 13th

Classes are over, and I am currently in a place of reflection, patience, and creativity. At the moment I am waiting on my internship permits to be confirmed that way I can decide whether or not I am going in the next few weeks or not. This is challenging me to surrender. I have done everything that I can. I will continue to take notes on the company and prepare myself every other way. 

That aside, I am really reflecting on Ritually. I started this company with my dad a few years ago now, and it's changed quite a few times. The biggest constant here has been the vision. I want people to be able to see the significance and meaning a practice has on a person's life. Ritually will be able to create documentary-style films of entrepreneurs, and creatives in the places that we visit.

What do you do on a daily basis? What's your story? What makes you unique?  

It all comes down to the way that I see everyone. I see the light and beauty in each and every one of you, and I guess in someway it's a gift that I want to give. Communicating your essence and message to the world. 

Ritually invites you to support  with the first step, which is to purchase the lens for the camera so that we can begin creating footage. We have a line up of creatives in the area ready to be interviewed. this is going to take ritually to the next mile with quality. Let's create value.

The Ritual of Ramadan

The Ritual of Ramadan

Monday Motivation