Marathon Runner

“If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities. If you believe it won’t, you will see obstacles.” ~Wayne Dyer

Good Morning <3 Hope you had a great weekend.

For me this weekend was amazing…. ok… maybe a bit of rollercoaster… But on Sunday.. it was a really great day of reflection on life’s Big picture here… What is the life we get to create?

Here’s a cute, and useful image that I found on Pinterest, think it’s a clear representation of how I think everytime I’m off or needing realignment.


What I think is also a good point… Give yourself the space to recalibrate! Make the time.. 5 minutes to be quiet and Breathe! No one is perfect but I think about it now.. and it’s seriously the best thing we can do so that we respect our self, and our relationships. “Hey, give me 5 minutes, going to go cool off/ breathe/ think a little And Then let’s talk.”

Questions for Thought this week:

  • Where do I see my life in the next 3-4 years? Where do I see myself in 6 months?

  • What is on my bucket list? Top 3 right now (don’t overthink it)

    • How can I make one of those happen this year?

  • If you could do one little thing every day? Read a page of a certain book? Practice 15 minutes on the Piano? Go walking everyday after eating dinner.

    • What do you think you could create in 365 days?

Two things you can do Right Now - Sustainability

  1. Say No to Plastic Bags. Just don’t do it. Take your cloth bag.

  2. Take your Reusable Water bottle Everywhere with you.

  3. Use a Clothes Hanger ( Why? Your clothes will last longer, smell and feel fresher, and you will be saving on power usage)

“There are 89 million residential clothes dryers in the United States (75 percent electric models, 25 percent natural gas). Although electric dryers dominate the U.S. market, natural gas dryers typically cost 50 percent to 75 percent less to operate. A typical household pays over $100 in annual utility bills to operate an electric dryer and $40 for a gas dryer. Homes with electric dryers pay at least $1,500 over the dryer’s lifetime for the electricity to power the machine.”

“It requires 2,500 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef. You will also also save some trees. For each hamburger that originated from animals raised on rainforest land, approximately 55 square feet of forest have been destroyed.”

I am committed to writing here daily.

I am inspired by Seth Godin’s message about logging your journey of learning, therefore I am beginning now.

My question to you… What are you curious about in regards to these focuses?

  • Sustainability

  • Daily Practices

Let me know in the comments below, or send me an email! Would love to get to know more about where you are in your journey, and how I can support.

What does being Zero Waste really mean?

What does being Zero Waste really mean?

Creating Muscle Memory