November Introspection
Hola! Hi! Hallo! Hej!
Can you believe that 2020 is almost over? That we have a new president in the USA. That we are rewriting our constitution in Chile?
LOTS of hardships and challenges for families, businesses and communities… But if we look at the greater picture this has been a great time for reconnecting, and being alone with our true selves.. In relationships people were challenged to get along or realized that they weren’t meant for one another. For singles, it has been a chance to love yourself, redefine what is important, and realign to ones life goals/vision.
This has been a great time for me to grow in my skills with design and project management. To grow in projects, my career, and loving relationships.
How about you?
How have you spent your time?
How have you connected with family and friends?
How have you taken care of your health? Have you been sleeping more? Cooking or eating out? Walking? Working out?