Begin Again

Begin Again

Hello beautiful people! I miss writing here!

It's been a while since I have made a blog post... mainly due to the fact that I was struggling to know exactly what I wanted Ritually to become. I felt a great amount of pressure of what others thought of my brand, and I began forgetting why I started in the first place. So let's begin.. There are many brands that are focused on meditation, and yoga... World-wide apparel clothing, and body lotion companies. This is a very competitive environment, and I am about to enter the field.

My whole life has been outlined by travel... with family... with my university... and a great amount of solo trips. Some of my most important memories have been while I was in a new location discovering. I love to journal, and I realized that my passion for writing is ignited when I travel. Something about being in a completely new space, and really being "me". Being able to stay with a host family and 

My point with this is feeling that I have of not giving a fuck of where I am, and just having my self "essence" is what we need to learn to appreciate. Especially in the world we live in with social media, advertisements, and artificial intelligence... It is crucial to know deep down how we are as beings on this planet. 

I am committed

1/6 Rituals That Have Impacted my Life