Wake Up Global Leaders
Hey Everyone,
Had a great conversation and podcast recording yesterday afternoon with Jörg Heikhaus, aka Helium Cowboy akaAlex Diamond in his gallery here in Hamburg. Sitting at his cowboy bar drinking cofee and getting to see his new collection coming out mid November. We discussed several topics which I think will interest you!
Stay tuned to when that will be out!
Check out his Gallery or follow his events on Instagram @heliumcowboy
Secondly, I am finally able to set up my camera and begin getting some footage of my home, rituals, and experiences that I have been Wanting to share with you! Share your thoughts on what it is you’d be interested in seeing, or learning.
Important Note on What’s Going on World Wide:
I can't handle reading through all of these articles any more. How is this not enough for our global leaders to Wake Up? This is our precious home and time. I found this article from NY Times, and think it’s great mainly because it is backed with each statement they make.
A few of them being:
1. Canceled a requirement for oil and gas companies to report methane emissions.
4. Stopped enforcing a 2015 rule that prohibited the use of hydrofluorocarbons, powerful greenhouse gases, in air-conditioners and refrigerators.
32. Permitted the use of seismic air guns for gas and oil exploration in the Atlantic Ocean. The practice, which can kill marine life and disrupt fisheries, was blocked under the Obama administration.
What is your opinion?
If you need suggestions of wher to start look at my Environment Community Page. This has information on what things you can do right now.
Do you have any articles that are unbiased and prove more factual evidence about what it going on?
Let's avoid this being an opinionated back and forth, and instead share clear action steps of what expats, fulltime workers, students can do...
Share links where to volunteer.
Share links where to sign petitions.
Share links where to Donate and Why.
Topics Include:
Air Quality
''In 2014, an estimated 92% of the global population lived in an area that failed to meet the Air quality goals AQGs established by the WHO.''
Water Quality
Rainforest Protection
Soil Quality