Does Cloudy Weather Affect Our Mood?

Does Cloudy Weather Affect Our Mood?

Good Morning Everyone <3

Playing around with the title names here, quite funny to be honest.

Today’s post has to do with ‘Weather’ and it’s so called ‘impact’ on us.

How many of you are going to work with a thick jacket around this time or year, sometimes having to battle those cold winds that sneak in your jacket? Or are you the type of person that enjoys the cold and once you’re layered up Nothing can stop you?

What I realize with temperature changes is that your mindset and perspective can Really change the experience… Now… ok… when it is 0 degress celcius (32 fahrenheit for my US crew) making sure you have the layers is Key… But if you are not happy to be going outside with or without layers… it will not be the determining factor on your mood… Does that make sense?

My point here, when you feel sad, unbalanced, or the need for rest… your mind has so much influence on your stories… If you let it go for a long time without checking in with your center, how do you think your mind & body is going to be reacting? How do you think you will feel at soul level?

Now, weather is also a big term here, and there’s other ways to look at how it impacts us.. Or what we make of it.. I am a big fan of rain, and misty days… Yes, I love the heat, and sun, but sometimes there’s beauty in the cloudy days…



I get to be at home, chill out, read a book, cuddle in bed, and reflect. (who doesn’t love that?!) Sometimes I might even get crafty and creative making art or cooking something yummy that I found from my Pinterest board (I have a board for recipes, i know, check it out here).

There was a great post I found that from Ancestral Medicine (yes, I love learning about shamanism). I think they exemplified what I mean:

‘‘The symbolism of weather phenomena is, of course, aligned with the four elements of water, air, fire, and earth, and their symbolism. Water is a nourisher and a cleanser, and represents movement. Air is a life-giver and a clearer, and represents freedom. Fire is a cleanser and a healer, and represents work. Earth is an anchor and a rejuvenator, and represents survival. Now apply this to some of the weather phenomena.

A storm. The wind howls, and rips through the atmosphere, you can almost see the air. It clears and cleans the atmosphere leaving behind a freshness that is a delight to breathe in, and there is a sense of freedom in each breathe. The rain falls out of the sky, battering the earth with its large penetrating drops. It fills the earth with its nourishing energy, and helps energy move through time and space in its cleansing way. The lightening bursts like flames in the sky gathering angry energy together. Working out this energy, it expresses itself, fearfully; cleansing and healing. The thunder sounds like the planet itself is being torn apart, the noise makes humans fumble. But there is the earth, strong and stable, that anchor to which we attach ourselves, on which our survival depends, and we are stronger, we are rejuvenated.

You see, a storm isn’t just wind, rain, lightening, and thunder, it is how we understand ourselves, how we rate ourselves, and how we live in the world. The air that clears and gives life, is the same air for everybody. Every breath you take is a breath that someone else has taken. Sometimes the air becomes stale, polluted, poisoned, if you keep breathing that air you, and others, will die. What if we changed the word air to knowledge? If the knowledge that you absorb is stale, outdated, or polluted by prejudice and complacency, or poisoned by hate and misconceptions, then the knowledge that you are breathing will kill you and others. Perhaps not right away, maybe others before you, or maybe not for many generations, but it will have a detrimental affect. The point is that if the air is not cleared, there is no life giving, and there is no freedom of thought, or action. When the wind comes, ask yourself, why. What do we need cleared, what freedom do we need to create?’’

To read the rest of the post, click here.

Climates Impact on Our Mood… One Planet.

More seriously, there is something we need to discuss.. Climate impacts on our Population… I attached some infographics that go into depth.. How is your living environment? Is your city aware and working towards solutions for these measures?

  • Filtered water? Water conditions in beaches, and out of our sinks?

  • Are Microplastics in your products and food?

    • Are you buying plastic covered veggies? Pre-packaged meals?

    • Where are you getting your drinking water from? Is it BPA free?

  • Trash Management? How is your city getting rid of Waste?

    • Where is recycling? How are they doing it?

  • Air quality in the Office? Home?

    • Buy a Plant! Buy two! They are great to have around you!

Recycling Worldwide

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