Hallo Zusammen,
In this post I will be speaking mainly english and some parts in German so that I can give some insights to my community here in Deutschland! I want everyone to be able to understand and gain the most value from this! As you may have all heard, I am working on a business development project that relates to sustainability and workspace environment, and it is something I am extremely passionate about, therefore I am blogging about it.
Ever since I was a little girl I always was looking for ways to save our planet, and animals.. To the point that I had a group in my school called Earth Watchers ( I wish I could reach the website still to this day! It was a blog, website, and we were so active! Shoutout to Josefa, Vicky and Manisha…Crazy… We now live in Germany, Chile, Norway, and where three of my friends joined me in speaking about sustainability and our rainforests. Now the sustainability topic has grown and people are now more conscious and aware of what is going on. You can’t go a day without seeing online at least some initiative. No matter part of the world you are living in there is something people are talking about… Here, the Alster is no longer freezing, where they used to have the Christmas markets up on the water… Or in Chile where we discuss problems of erosion, or dry soil.. Wild fires anyone? Australia, California, South Africa… It’s real. It’s key that we take care of our mother earth.
Ok, I’ll lighten up! Enough being super serious here. This is about making this do-able, and simple.
In Germany, we have MANY different colored recycling bins (brown, yellow, blue, green, black, white… you name it!).
Das Problem ist… viele Menschen wissen immer noch nicht, wohin alles gehen muss. Die kniffligen Dinge wie Shampooflaschen, Batterien, Zigaretten, Zahnseide, Kaffeesatz,. Deshalb habe ich Listen angehängt, die ich vom Recycling Hub in Hamburg gefunden habe:
In Germany many people still are not sure where everthing needs to go. (Bakery Bags, Shampoo bottles, Batteries, Cigarettes, Floss, Coffee Grounds, and so many More!) It is a pattern I have seen also world-wide… It is an extra hassle.. I get it!
BUT! Bliss is knowing and understanding that way we can make better buying decisions, and help our planet at the same time! It is actually simpler than you think!
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Also, ich habe ein Paar Info-Bilder für Sie abgehangen... Die Fotos sind aus dem Recycling-Zentrum in Hamburg. Möchten Sie mehr Info? Click hier!
I have attached lists that I found from the Recycling Hub in Hamburg. (They are in German, Below I have made lists for Recycling in the USA). If there is any specific countries you are looking for send me a message and I can send you what I find… I love research.
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What Counts as a "Hard to Dispose of" Item?
Knowing what constitutes household hazardous waste can be confusing.
Below is a list of common hazardous materials:
Automotive products: antifreeze, fluids, motor oil, oil filters, gasoline, polish and waxes
Batteries: home and vehicle batteries
Electronics: TVs, computers, laptops, cell phones, printers, fax machines, MP3 players, DVD/CD/cassette players and more
Fluorescent light bulbs and compact fluorescent lamps (CFL)
Mercury containing devices: thermometers and thermostats
Paint products: oil-based, latex and spray paints, caulk, wood preservative and wood stain
Garden chemicals: pesticides, herbicides, fertilizer and insecticides
Sharps: syringes, needles and lancets
Swimming pool chemicals
Other household chemicals: toilet bowl cleaner, shower/tile cleaner, carpet cleaner, rust remover and more
Stay Tuned for More Info!
Lot’s of love, have an awesome day!