One Sheet of Paper

One Sheet of Paper

Hey Everyone,

Hope you are having a great start to Monday. Writing a quick blog, Lots going on this week! But! It’s still super important that I share this info!

So first of all, I have been working on the sustainability project for our business development, and presenting it to over 200 employees… in German. So grateful it worked out! I even had some people thank me and come up to me about my knowledge, so I really really appreciate hearing their feedback. Still can’t believe how I made it to be working in German all day. It’s seriously so worth it to learn a language! I recommend it to anyone, but is it hard? Yes.


Does your brain hurt sometimes, Definitely.

AND, will it keep your brain active and regenerating? YES.

AND, will you be able to get to know a whole other culture in a TOTALLY different way. YESSSS.

There are so many studies about how beneficial it is to continue creating language synapses in the brain.

Check out the image on the right which goes into depth of why it is so beneficial.


While we already know that water is a limited resource, what can be less clear is how much of the substance is required to manufacture even the most basic of items. Products that would seem not to involve any water at all -- or very, very little of it -- in fact have a significant water footprint. Because, basically, it's water all the way down: To make a piece of cheese, you need to feed your cows, which requires wheat, which requires water. Same deal for beef and for leather shoes. Even veganism isn't fully water-virtuous: Cotton, for example, tends to be grown in arid climates, which in turn demand high volumes of water to keep the plants flourishing. 

How much water do you think your one sheet of paper is wasting? 13 Liters of Water!

Below, the water requirements for some of the things you might be wearing/eating/using right now:

  • Beef - 15,415 liters of water

  • Hamburger - 2,393 liters of water

  • Pizza - 1,216 liters of water

  • Jeans - 9,982 liters of water

  • Shoes - 8,547 liters of water

  • T-Shirt - 2,495 liters of water

  • Rice - 2,497 liters of water

  • Chocolate - 1,720 liters of water

  • Beer - 170 liters of water per pint

  • Cheese - 152 liters of water

  • Coffee - 132 liters of water per cup

  • Apple - 82 liters of water

  • Loaf of Bread - 48 liters of water

  • Paper - 13 liters of water per sheet

I’m curious to know what else comes to your mind about water consumption. Send an email to

Shifting from Hot to Cold

Shifting from Hot to Cold

Recycling Worldwide