Shifting from Hot to Cold

Shifting from Hot to Cold

Hey Everyone,

This post has some big announcements for our community, and me personally


Topics to Discuss:

  • How to get settled, centered, and decrease the impacts of Jetlag.. (especially when shifting from 30 to -3 degree temperatures)

  • How are we going to shift to plastic alternatives? What are they, and where can we find them?

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I just got back to Hamburg, spent time with family in Chile and then in Miami… three places.. living again out of a suitcase for more than 2 weeks.. So how to get back in the zone? Well Glad you asked!

Here are some of the top ways I personally back in my “zone” and settled for the week after vacations/big trips:

1. Food

By going to the grocery first thing and getting good food in your body, we will avoid reaching or going for convenient… usually not the most nutritious…. foods. I am guilty of it, and maybe some of you agree? Or I spend the day not eating enough, and next day feel dizzy, and fatigued.

2. Movement

Secondly, moving my body and finding ways to walk, bike, or go to the gym… even a dance class.. makes me so happy especially after a long flight or

3. Check in Spiritually and Socially.

What do I mean by this? Spending a few minutes when arriving home and getting your mind and space organized can help you figure out what your priorities are for the upcoming week… Do you have deadlines coming up? Reconnecting to your community groups?

  • Breathing exercises

  • Yin Practice… working on your stability and attuning to your bodies strength.

  • Journaling, need any prompts to get your ming going? Ask me… Or just begin with this question:

    • What are you waiting for?

    • What is stopping your growth?

  • Do you have any places that you like to go and sit to go think? (I have one here in HH near the water… When you need to think, cry, dance, chat, write it out… all of the above!)

  • Church? Temple? Mosque? Are in connection to the Divine? Or have a relationship with God? Sometimes I just need to go to Church and listen and be surrounded by people of my same faith, a reminder that we are all connected by one thing, Love!!!!

This is just a start, but it makes such a huge difference for me!

How about you? What are your tricks from arriving back home and getting in the flow?


Plastic Alternatives…. What a great topic! You’ve heard me say it before. Now what are the materials that could make the difference? It is Fascinating to me!

  • Algae

  • Mushroom

  • Food waste

  • Microbes

  • Cactus

What other materials can be used for packaging?


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