Where has the month gone!? Is it February already! Wow. We must be having a great year. I have been on fire these past few weeks. Moving to a new country (GERMANY!), and starting a whole new job and life here. It’s incredible, and exciting for me. New challenge, and place to create.
What are some of the things that have given me a strong foundation over the past 4 years…
Getting to know your Host Family, and really engaging in the culture. If you’re trying to get comfortable and create a connection, one of the biggest things that supported me was I really showed interest in seeing where my friends grew up, and showing me their home.
If you don’t have a host family, another way is getting to know people at your job. Take them out for coffee or lunch. Get busy your first month, really listening and seeing them.
There is something about taking the time to build these relationships that really will help you in the long run. You’ll be able to have a strong community and support system as you continue to grow.
Find your essentials… Grocery store… Gym… Coffee… Parks… Transportation… Yoga… What is it that you need to Survive?!
I don’t say this lightly.. It is crucial in your new home to find these and create your routine, if not, you will begin to feel as though something is off! Seriously! Figure it out now, and ask around… this could also be a great way to connect with your colleagues… New gym buddy? Healthy eaters?
One thing to note also is where do you find silence, and space to reflect? Parks? Church? Beach?
Look for that Place.
Have fun, and find something that you can learn… A language? An area in your self that you may want to improve… Research what is around you… Create a source of inspiration, and create inflows of knowledge… Signup for a Newsletter from the area… Join a running club…
What can you Learn?
Thought I’d share some tips, let me know in the comments below if these may be of interest to you, or if you do something particular yourself. I love reading what you guys have to say!
What I am looking at right now…
I am currently obsessed with Madloch and Symbiotic Knights check them out… (Madloch @ Symbiotic Knights - MS Yoo, New York (2018 10 20))
Since I have just moved to a new home, I have been simple with my daily ritual.. These mornings have been mindful, which makes me super happy. This year feels different. I start off with making my coffee, using local coffee grounds from the area (always try to support local whenever possible), and then making my porridge (do you guys want a recipe or detailed morning routine? Thinking of making a video)
Duolingo: My streak is now 2 weeks consistent! Seriously one of the best language apps I have found. I recommend giving it a try (not an ad). If you have the time to learn a language and can fit 5–10 minutes a day or want to be crazy like me doing an hour a day… All of it makes a difference. Your brain will thank you… Check out this article
Scribd: Audio books, and reading is also supported! So if I am driving, or working out I can listen, but if I want to read the text I can also do that!
Melting Glaciers is a huge environmental discussion… Big deal in Chile with our’s and also, here in the Tuyuksu glacier.
“It’s not your job to fix me. It’s your job to hold my hand, while I fix myself.”
“Don’t reinvent the wheel, just realign it.” - Anthony J. D'Angelo
This past week I have been figuring out what it is that I want to share and how I can be the most of service. I am in a big transformation stage, learning a lot about myself, and creating that new foundation like I did when I lived in St. Petersburg, Florida for four years (shoutout to my crew, I miss you! <3 ). I am seeing how I like to document my journey, whether it is writing or through video.