Conscious Cleanups

Conscious Cleanups

Back at my office, it’s my lunch break, but I had breakfast with lunch so I have some free time… Therefore, I wanted to write a small post to the blog.

Whatever you are doing to help the environment, recognize that. I acknowledge you. I think so many of us want to be perfect that we forget the simple things we are already doing. Are you rejecting the straw, or bring your own mug to a Creative Mornings event…. This are already one less single use plastic… And I hope you know the world, and I (hello ;) ) are proud of you.

Keep going <3

I am currently looking for groups in my city:

  • Ocean cleanups, Volunteer and Water conservation groups, Handmade markets, Facebook groups, Lectures/Meetups

Let me know about orgs, and companies that are making a difference in your neighborhood! I am curious!

And, if you have time! Share your #QOTD and tag @liveritually

Conscious Decision Making:

There was an article I read from Lohas Canada where they recommend reading the Labels and understanding the differences of “Produced in…” or “Made in…”

For example,

  • Made in Canada and Product of Canada do not mean the same thing. Check out the difference here.

  • Made in Canada can have less than 2% of imported goods in it and still be considered Made in Canada. Check it out here.

  • No longer does labeling in Canada need to say where the imported goods are located. It is now common to see Made from domestic and imported goods.

  • Organic Growers in Canada need to have less than 5% non certified ingredients in it and it is still considered organic - this has more to do with food and depending on the province regulations. Check it out here

What does your countries label mean?

Fun Article from The Globe and Mail to Check out:

Dandelion Chocolate, San Francisco

  • This bean-to-bar chocolate factory is transparent – and particular – when it comes to sourcing its cocoa beans. Learn about the farms from which Dandelion sustainably source its raw product and watch them turn it into a variety of small-batch treats as you sip a hot chocolate in the café. Try the Mission flavour, a slightly spicy option that contains almonds. 740 Valencia St., San Francisco,

Que Bo!, Mexico City

  • Jose Ramon Castillo, the modern master of Mexican chocolate, uses only local ingredients in his products. His hot chocolate menu offers beverages from different regions of the country; including one with chili cinnamon and cocoa from Mexico City, and another with corn, rice and oatmeal from the Tabasco region. Drink it from a dried gourde and pair with a small glass of mezcal. Isabel la Catolica 30 local 15-16, Mexico City,

Rococo Chocolates, London

  • Rumour has it that Rococo founder, Chantal Coady, is the inspiration for the book-turned-movie Chocolat. (Author Joanne Harris was an early customer). One thing that is definitely true is that enjoying a hot chocolate on the flagship Belgravia location's hidden terrace is the perfect way to hit pause in this busy city. The organic 70-per-cent dark chocolate version comes with sea salt and a generous, house-made blackcurrant marshmallow. 5 Motcomb St, Belgravia, London,

Hakawa Chocolate, Hong Kong

  • Hakawa's seven-square-metre space is likely the smallest shop from which you will ever order a hot chocolate. This bean-to-bar maker gives you two options: 72 per cent or 100 per cent. In both cases one of co-founders will carefully weigh out the chocolate, warm the milk and then mix it all together. Drink it standing up outside the shop window as you watch the bustle of Hong Kong whiz by. 1B 49-51A Gough St., Hong Kong Island,

Mork Chocolate Brewhouse, Melbourne

  • Mork, which means "dark" in Norwegian, creates its hot chocolate blend with organic, fair trade and single origin. It's available at coffee shops across Australia and Britain, but get it here and you can watch the "brewmasters" expertly prepare their signature Campfire blend, a mix of 70-per-cent chocolate, house-smoked salt, a toasted marshmallow and yes, campfire smoke. 150 Errol St, North Melbourne, Australia,

What’s your favorite drink at the moment?

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