Being Grounded - Smells & Movement
Good Morning :)
Woke up today under the weather, and since I am #adulting I get to be strong and continue working! And Some how I was motivated to blog about what I am feeling at the moment.
As some of you may know I am now living in Hamburg, and it is a little different than my other homes that I have had. This time I really started from scratch, speaking German all day, figuring out my health insurance, my apartment, my work, and my routine solo. There is something different about coming to a city and having the structure of University, and this time it’s work environment…. And in an area where none of my passports support my visas… #challenge.
Ok, I don’t want to rant on this blog. That is not the point of this post.
I’m here to write about , ok everything may be shifting and changing, but how do you continue staying grounded and balanced? How can I keep my routine, or as least feel comfortable no matter where I am?
This is an improvisational post so bear with me…
Smells & Aromatherapy:
What are your favorite smells? What makes you feel like home?
Maybe cooking something that makes you feel settled? (A.k.a. my Mom’s tart, actually going to make it this week, and will update this post with a photo).
My favorite smells are lavender to sleep and relax, and peppermint to feel energized and ready for the day. I’m a huge fan of aromatherapy. (If you’re interested in knowing more about aromatherapy leave a comment below, and I can write a post with some different oils, where to use them, intentions you can make, and some yummy home rituals)
I am a huge walker and explorer and something that helps me feel grounded is knowing where I am. (Similar to a dog in a way… I like to know my surroundings)
Do you practice yoga? Meditate? Is there a park nearby? Sometimes you just need to be out in nature and stretch and inhale some fresh oxygen. Super easy to do as well.