Travel to KC

Travel to KC

Good Morning! Last weekend I went on a trip to Kansas City, Missouri for the CEO National Pitch Competition. What an amazing experience, surrounded by entrepreneurial minds and inspiring life stories... made some great relationships and friendships while I was there. During my time there, I got the chance to participate in the Elevator Pitch Competition, and specifically pitch Live Ritually! I received useful information from keynote speakers and experienced business owners, and they have given me lots of feedback. Really looking forward to continuing and growing this brand! 

Last week while having coffee with a friend, we discussed what we envision our work environment in the next few years. What I found interesting from the conversation was the importance of surrounding yourself with people that really engage, and motivate you to be your best. I have spent a lot of my life always pleasing others, which has helped me grow as a person. What I mean by this is that it has made me realize that I need to focus on what makes me happy and step back sometimes from that habit. I love my family and friends and I am always here to support them. Additionally, I need to create a balance of spending time serving others while spending time with Myself. I am confident that I will create a work environment that gives me the ability to travel, make relationships, and keep learning. 


Definition for thought:

Billionaire - changing the lives of billions of people.


Question for reflection:

What do you admire from your parents?


I love reading your responses and love replying! So please leave a comment or send me an email! Have an amazing day!


Small Business Owner Morning Rituals

Small Business Owner Morning Rituals

