For a long time people have asked me how I keep my life so simple and minimalistic. Since we're getting to know each other, I am going to pretty much explain why this is so...
- I have my everyday "uniform" of jeans and a basic white or black shirt with my espadrilles or converse.
- My room is super bare with a clean minimal wooden desk, my calendar above, just a couple books, laptop, and a lamp... then I have my tall bed with simple pillows. My whole room is a super simple color scheme of navy and white with a few gold accents .
- MOST IMPORTANTLY, I am really simple as a person. I am true person that really just wants to see people grow and improve in their ambitions. I love supporting my family and friends. It's crazy how life is impacted when all you want for others is good and happiness.
- But enough about me... lets focus on you!
If you are trying to declutter and destress, my biggest suggestion is to learn to breathe. Having the ability to control the situation whether you're stressed or tense can enable you to succeed in many different situations.
Another thing that has helped me is learning to shrug it off, or like Taylor Swift once said, "shake it off" (had too, haha)... A great way to get over unimportant things is just by learning to accept it, and be indifferent to it. Take a step back and realize this was an experience. You've learned from it. Thank you. And Move Forward. I'm always encountering myself with people that make themselves the victim or blame a flaw on a certain past experience. Once you are able to breathe and step back, it is amazing what you realize about others.
As you can tell I really enjoy discussing this, so if you have any personal questions or comments please send them! Love reaching out to all of you!